Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Little Glow Worms

Several months ago we tried out some glow paints for the first time.  They didn't glow quite like we had hoped, but it was fun to give them a try anyway. 

Here are the "scientists" ready to get to work and mix up the chemicals in their lab.
Before we could even get started Miller managed to rip open a package of powder and spew its contents all over the pavement.  (Not exactly off to a stellar start.)
Mixing up the powder and water.
Time to shake things up.

Lorelai and Miller took turns fillling the molds with the different colored chalks.
After the liquids were poured into the molds they had to set and wait until nightfall.
Once the sun went down we headed outside to start drawing.

Lorelai's final work of art.

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