Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Lowdown on Lorelai

Most of my posts typically have snapshots with brief captions, but those of you who don't see the kids on a regular basis don't really get comprehensive updates.  Here are some tidbits on the precious Miss Lorelai.

Lorelai Catherine is our fiesty little four-year-old.  She definitely keeps us on our toes, but we wouldn't have it any other way.  One minute she can be running around and give you a hearty football tackle, and the next minute she's crawling up in the recliner with you on a Saturday morning to watch cartoons.  She can be very snuggly but it must be on her terms.
 Lorelai  is very logical and rational, and at times is wise beyond her years.  She has an old soul and can carry on  conversations that would seemingly be over her head.  She is also incredibly independent and amazingly self-assured.  After her first day of K-4 I asked her how her day went and she said, "I was awesome!" 
 Two of my favorite moments/quotes from Lorelai are: 
1. When we were riding in the car and listening to "Little Shop of Horrors" I noticed that she wasn't singing her favorite part of the opening song.  When I asked her about it her response was, "I can like new things. I can change my mind. "
2. While at a cookie decorating party when Lorelai was three years old, a friend of mine was asking me to tell her stories about what Lorelai had been up to.  Lorelai chimed in with, "You can ask me...I'm right here."
One of her favorite things to do is put on make-up.  Sometimes we even have to ration out her lipgloss for special occasions because she tends to put it on every seven seconds when she has it in her possession.
As many of you know she's we have a budding actress on our hands.  She attended an acting workshop this summer, but the drama doesn't stop there.  Her love of singing, dancing, and entertaining began about two years ago when she was introduced to the musicals "Mamma Mia" and "Hairspray."  From then on her adoration has only grown.  

She loves literature.  She can sit for what seems like hours just thumbing through books, either alone or in someone's lap.  If she knows the story she wants to take turns with you recounting the tale.  If she doesn't know it, you only have to tell it to her once and then it's in her memory for good.  Dressing up is also a favorite pastime for this sassy girl...the more accessories, the better.
Lorelai is a wonderful big sister who always looks out for Miller.  She "reads" to him, they color and do puzzles together, and their favorite activity is watching "Bubble Guppies" together before bedtime.  While they occasionally have their sibling squabbles, for they most part they get along famously.  She is our special firstborn and we couldn't imagine our family without her.  We love you, Lorelai!!! 

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